Introducing BankFlex® Business Finance Manager—a powerful addition to corporate banking that brings ease and accessibility. BankFlex Business Finance Manager (BFM) allows corporate customers to manage their income, expenses, and assets of their organization.

The corporate customers can have a single view of all their accounts to see the financial health of their organization. They can use various drill down charts and statements provided by BFM to get visual insight into their finances.

This BankFlex Omni Channel Features as follows

BankFlex® Business Finance Manager offers:

Enhanced Financial Awareness: Increases the awareness of the financial of the organisation

In-depth Analysis: Deep insight into organisation's finances using various drill down charts

Expense Management: Empowers clients to control expenses, carry out financial planning, and regular transactions

CRM Integration: Inherent capability to integrate with CRM engines.

Analytical Power: Equips clients with Analytical and reporting tool

Interbank Integration: Import statements of their accounts with other banks

Unified Account View: Single view of all the accounts with any bank

To know more about our solution. Request a call back today Contact Us