Traditionally, payments at merchants’ shop or POS using cash or using plastic credit or debit cards, often stored in their wallet. There is always a chance of wallet being stolen or lost leading to risk of losing cash or cards being misused and the inconvenience of card replacement.

BankFlex® Contactless Mobile Wallet transforms traditional wallets into digital version of real-world wallets on mobile phones. It empowers customers to make payment for buying a product and/or a service at merchants' POS through contactless interface using near-field communication (NFC) of their mobile wallet. Besides, customer can also transact at ATMs, Branches and Agents using BankFlex® Mobile Wallet.

BankFlex® Mobile Wallet can also be operated using a BankFlex® Wallet Account which can be further linked to a card or a bank account.

BankFlex® Mobile Wallet comprises of several services, some of those are standard and some others are based on NFC capability on the mobile device and participating POS terminals.

BankFlex® Mobile Wallet are pure native iOS and Android apps and are built using modern technologies/framework for faster roll outs and easy to maintain.

This BankFlex Omni Channel Features as follows

BankFlex® Contactless mWallet Features:

Versatile Instrument Holder: BankFlex® Mobile Wallet can also hold other financial instruments like loyalty cards, coupons, and pre-paid cards.

Convenient: Easily make payments through your mobile mWallet, anywhere, anytime.

Enhanced Flexibility: Transaction via mWallet across multiple locations

Highly Secured: Ensures transactions' safety and privacy.

To know more about our solution. Request a call back today Contact Us