BankFlex® Social Media Banking allows banks to be forward thinking enterprises and use these new age business imperatives to their advantage. BankFlex® extends reach of a bank to social media by providing banking right when its customers need it, and in a convenient and secure manner.

Making payment to a friend, receiving funds from a friend, pooling funds with friends, topping up their mobile phones, bill payment or checking balances and transactions of their accounts... customers of the bank can do all these and more from their social media sessions. BankFlex® Social Media banking is available over Web and Mobile APPs.

This BankFlex Omni Channel Features as follows

BankFlex® Social Media Features:

Cross-Platform Support Supported for popular social media platforms such Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter.

Seamless Registration: Clients can register through any of their social media accounts conveniently.

Secured Channel: The bank staff can define rules to ensure security for this channel using BankFlex MAC.

Convenient Facility: Enjoyable application for the social media customers to be able to pool funds with friends for a forth coming event like a party or a holiday travel they wish to plan, etc.

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