Wearable devices are revolutionizing the way customers make payments, providing increased convenience and accessibility. By 2030, it is projected that 60% of banks will adopt wearables as a standard payment mode. BankFlex® is at the forefront of this trend and has developed flawless smartwatch banking methods that seamlessly synchronize with banking accounts, enabling users to conduct transactions directly from their smartwatches.

BankFlex® Watch Banking allows bank's customers to perform banking over their wearable devices such as wristwatch. Bank's customers can quickly access account information, perform quick transactions, or read notifications from bank by just using a "tap". BankFlex® Watch Banking works on top of Mobile Banking APPS customers and can be activated from the Mobile APPS by the customer themselves.

This BankFlex Omni Channel Features as follows

BankFlex® Watch Banking Features:

Highest level of security: Your peace of mind is our priority.

Effortless Access of banking services Payments: Access of accounts and quick payments with just a ‘tap’. No need to carry physical wallets.

Seamless Integration: Linked with customers bank account.

Cross-Platform Compatibility: Compatible with both iOS and Android based Smart Watches

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